The Society of Air Force Nurses (SAFN) is an incorporated non-profit, 501(c) (19) Veterans organization. It was created in 1986 to provide social opportunities to network, re-connect with old friends and make new ones! Memberships include registered nurses who currently serve or who have served for any length of time either in the USAF Nurse Corps (Active Duty/Reserve/Guard) or as WWII Flight Nurses. Members include veterans of World War II (some were Prisoners of War), the Korean War, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), and Operation Desert Shield/Storm (Iraq). The Society has members in every state and in many foreign countries and is divided into seven geographical regions headed up by a Regional Director. Events include our biennial National Connventions/Reunions, biennial Regional meeting and periodic Chapter social gatherings.
“Still Caring…Still Sharing” is our motto and our Society is built on the following three pillars: Outreach – Memorial – and of course, socializing. Our organization provides members who have in common their nursing profession and military service, an avenue for friendship, socialization, and the sharing of memories. Our leadership includes an elected executive committee, regional directors, and appointed committee chairs, and consultants who, together, are charged with meeting the needs of our members and preserving the well-being of the Society. New members are always welcome! Share your expertise, your talents and your memories. Celebrate your profession and your unique Air Force experience!