2007 Convention
Come One –- Come All to “God’s Country” for A Celebration at Altitude!
2007 National Convention (Aug 28 –- Sept 2)
Hosted by Rocky Mountain & North Central Regions
This was a special celebration as we commemorated the 20th Anniversary of the 1st National Convention held in San Antonio in 1987.
We shared in fun times with friends, experienced beautiful scenery that inspired America the Beautiful and participated in activities that would make you dizzy with excitement and leave you breathless! Well, if not the activities – certainly the Altitude!
2007 SAFN National Convention Highlights
Yes, we all certainly did HAVE A HIGH TIME IN THE ROCKIES!
Some of the highlights from the 2007 convention include the Welcoming Reception, which will certainly be one to remember as it was dedicated to our World War II nurse attendees.
As a surprise, there was a presentation of WWII Legacy medallions to all WWII Nurse attendees, by the Non-Commissioned Officers Association, United States Air Academy Chapter.

Following those presentations a vintage fashion show of WWII nurses and American Red Cross uniforms was performed with several of the uniforms being modeled by nurse corps officers from the USAF Academy Hospital.

And to put the icing on the cake, the food was great!
For the Opening Ceremony, nurse corps officers from the 10th Medical Group, USAFA escorted our distinguished attendees: WWII, SAFN Founders and SAFN past presidents. The Star Spangled Banner was beautifully sung be Col. Joel Ray, Deputy Group Commander.

A highlight of the Memorial Ceremony was a flag folding ceremony performed by nurse corps officers from the 10th Medical Group, followed by recognition of the Nurse Memorial Table and a bagpipe finale of “Amazing Grace.” Yes, a few tears were shed.

Our founders were celebrated at the luncheon, having the theme, “Life’s Short – Eat Dessert First.” Interesting that the majority did in fact eat their dessert first. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the presentation by our founders on our beginnings as a Society. Thank you, founders!

At the business meeting, the membership award for the third consecutive time went to North Central. Congratulations, Ginny Stubblefield.

Marti Maron created a beautiful stained glass SAFN emblem as a gift from her to the Society. Rita Vokes accepted this beautiful art work which will be hung in the SAFN office. Thank you, Marti.

Passing of the banner (literally) for the next convention also occurred at the business meeting. The convention banner was presented on behalf of the Rocky Mountain Region to Sue Yingling and Tina Holmlund (2009 Convention Co-chair). May the force be with you and we know it will be a fantastic convention. Mark your calendars – 22-28 September 2009. The official SAFN flag also had its debut.

The Velvet Hills Chorus of the Sweet Adelines (approximately 90 participants) provided entertainment for the banquet. They dazzled the audience beginning with the song “Celebration” to highlight our theme followed with songs from the Big Band era and some songs dedicated to the military and Air Force such as “We are Family,” “America the Beautiful,” and ending with the “Air Force Song.”

Attendees also enjoyed a variety of tours.
Cripple Creek. Experiencing the real old west was a real treat to those who participated in the tour of the historic gold mining city of Cripple Creek, which still mines gold today. One of our gals won $500! Members of the Victorian Society in historical dress and featuring our very own Jolene Sharrett also conducted a historical trolley tour of this gold mining town that was enjoyed by all.

Georgetown. This tour, complicated by bad weather and a train malfunction, prevented attendees in participating in the narrow gauge train ride from Silver Plume to Georgetown. However, the tour coordinators went to plan B and were able to provide a delightful tour of the historic Hotel de Paris in downtown Georgetown. In spite of these few glitches, a grand time was had by all.

Royal Gorge Train Ride. Attendees were welcomed aboard the historic domed railcar for breathtaking views and lunch. The mountains backed by beautiful blue skies and bordered by the almighty Arkansas River were a sight to behold. The view was spectacular as the ride took them through the rugged gorge where they could see the Royal Gorge Bridge suspended 1,000 feet above. Those attending this tour could see first hand why people love Colorado.

Garden of the Gods & Air Force Academy. Attendees enjoyed the beautiful red sandstone rock formations of the Garden of the Gods before traveling to the Air Force Academy which was highlighted by the 17 Spire Chapel, the Visitors Center, WW II Flight Nurse Memorial and topped off with a falcon briefing by a cadet falconier and lunch at the beautiful golf course. Several were able to experience Jean Sanger as their tour guide who did a spectacular job. Jean, it looks like you have another career.

Pikes Peak. Everyone could truly appreciate the words to “America the Beautiful” which was penned by Katherine Lee Bates after an arduous wagon trip up to the peak. All enjoyed the splendid views from high plains to alpine tundra with greeting from bighorn sheep and marmots to reach the 14,110 peak for a fantastic view and group photo.
Flying W Ranch. A foot-stomping good time and good eats were enjoyed by many who attended the Flying W Ranch Dinner show.

In closing, it was clearly evident that all who attended did truly enjoy A Celebration at Altitude!